Saturday, February 11, 2012

Taking The Next Step

I am always asking myself; what's next? Where do I go from here? How can I help others get what I have? Lately the answer has been loud and clear! Become a personal trainer!! What?!? You heard right! I have studied the human body and the effects of diet and exercise since 2003. Does that mean that I have always put what I have learned into practice?? That would be a resounding NO, but this time is very different from the rest!

Always before, I was in it for me and only me. Granted, it started out that way this time too but then something changed as others began to inquire about my 50 pound weight loss, eating and working out. I began to see that I could help others be their best inside and out so I am taking the next step.

What is the next step? I am so glad you asked! I have decided to become a personal trainer but the only thing standing between me and that goal is the $600 tuition for the on-line training course and certification test. At this point I am just praying that we find a way to make it work but until then I will continue to work on myself each and every day that I am alive!


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