I am exhausted! I arrived home from a two day, 150 mile St. Jude run at 12:30 this morning! My team raised $62,500 for St. Jude and, YES, ran 150 miles from Mattoon, IL to Peoria, IL. I am proud to say that I ran 20 miles, which is a major record for me and I did it with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes! I met some new friends and I had an amazing time even though our RV air conditioning quit. Have you ever crammed 10 sweaty runners into an RV with no AC? Believe me when I tell you that the resulting smell is NOT pretty!
We had a group of 50 runners and 20 support people that piled into 5 RVs to make the 150 mile trek! Little did I know when I started that this would be the most amazingly hard journey that I would make! It would test my body and my mind to the point of breaking!
So who do you do it? Well, I run for the kids who are sick and not able to run! God gave me strong legs and I am using them to give back! I ran for Alyssa, the daughter of a friend, who was treated and St. Jude and beat her cancer! How amazing is that!!
Here I am running on day one of our incredible journey. This run was on country roads and busy highways just like this! Safety is always a concern and right before this shot was take, a truck pulling a trailer almost took me out of the game! Scary situation but I kept moving forward after all, I was still here and still strong!