Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Little Dreamer
Posted by Jo at 11/30/2010 04:44:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Believe
Monday, November 29, 2010
Crazy Busy!
That has been the theme at this house lately with the start of the Holiday Season! I keep thinking that business will slow down for me but it has not!! This is a good thing but I am read for a break so I set my last session date for the year as December 12th so after that I will be taking a much needed break to spend time with family and friends!
The shopping has started and I am almost done with the Diva! Thanks, of course, to American Girl, LeapFrog and Gymboree! All done on-line! I have started the Moody Teen but he is not as easy to buy for so he only has one item so far and the other thing he wants is a laptop so I am trying to find a good one in my price range! The Knight only wants a new pair of boots so he is also easy to take care of!
As for me well I am easy to buy for too! I would like the upgrade to Adobe LightRoom 3 for $99 and anything photography related! Speaking of photography: here is one from a recent session! Enjoy and have a great week!
Posted by Jo at 11/29/2010 01:38:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Beagle vs. Bunny
The contenders:
In the red corner in the black, white and brown fur.......Boscoe the Beagle weighing in at 35 lbs. He is 8 years old and kind of lazy.
In the blue corner in the gray fur with long floppy ears (come to think of it, they BOTH have long floppy ears)........Bobos the bunny weighing in at 16 lbs. He is 2 years old and very lively!
Now you know the fighters, let me set the scene I walked into last night after rehearsal! I walk in the living room door to find the Knight, the Diva and all the animals roaming the living room, free range style. Normally this does not happen but the Knight had everything under control until the bunny started stalking the old dog! Yup, this bunny is not afraid of anything, including the Zoey the 65 lb pit bull! Anyway, as I enter the room, the bunny charges at the beagle and baps him on the nose! Poor beagle was terrified! I laughed at the mighty hunting dog being put in his place by this less than predatory animal!
The rest of the night was fairly uneventful until the bunny started stalking the poor beagle again! Bobos would not leave him alone! He planned his attacks and surprised his poor victim by jumping out at him from behind the furniture every chance he got! Poor old dog finally could not stand it anymore and went to bed! I am still laughing today!
Well, I hope you all have lots to be Thankful for during this season! I know I sure do! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Posted by Jo at 11/24/2010 11:41:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Beagle vs Bunny
Monday, November 22, 2010
Manic Monday
Posted by Jo at 11/22/2010 03:30:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Boudreaux's Butt Paste
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
I bought Boudreaux's Butt Paste when the Diva was born and never had a problem with diaper rash! I'm serious, not once did she have a breakout! I just put some on with every diaper change and viola, a clean, healthy booty and a very happy Diva!This stuff rocks my world! If you want to try it, visit their web sight for a free sample of your own and then you can decide for yourself if it works or not!
Boudreaux's Butt Paste works because it was formulated by a pharmacist in conjunction with with a pediatrician to help prevent diaper rash and I can say from experience that it works. It goes on evenly, cleans off easily and has a pleasant scent. With 16% Zinc Oxide and Peruvian Balsam it treats diaper rash and soothes irritated skin while providing a skin protectant for your little one's comfort.
You don't have to take my word for it because Butt Paste has been featured on Oprah Show, Tonight Show, Today Show, People Magazine, ESPN and While You Were Out TLC. This product is highly recommended and I would definitely buy it again! Go get your free sample and try it for yourself!
Posted by Jo at 11/19/2010 06:00:00 PM 0 comments
Totally Random Randomness
Yes, it is FRIDAY but is has been a crazy one for me! I did not plan it that way, it just was! I took the Moody Teen to the doctor this morning expecting it to be fairly quick but it was anything but quick! We were there from 10 AM until Noon and included a trip to the lab! He will be fine but not what I was hoping to do this morning!
Next came Chinese for lunch! YUMMO!! The highlight was when the Diva (while listening to ladies converse in Chinese said, and I quote: "I didn't know Chinese people spoke Spanish." (Insert spit take here!) I thought I was going to fall off my chair laughing while spewing sweet tea on the people next to us! Kids!
Anyway, then I had to go get the final items I needed to finish the star for our float for the Holiday Parade tomorrow! Thank you Dollar Tree! Then I had to come home and construct the giant star to top the giant tree I had already built earlier in the week! I sure hope we win first place!
Next, I needed to finish some work for a couple of clients and now here I am typing and pondering what kind of pizza to order for dinner! Monical's it is!
Tomorrow will be filled with photo sessions and the parade! So I will leave you with this teaser from last weekend's wedding!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Posted by Jo at 11/19/2010 04:40:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Toms of Maine is Tops in My Book
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tom's of Maine. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you ever heard of Tom's Of Maine? Better yet, have you ever tried it? I'll admit that I was clueless until a friend turned on the light for me and I am so glad she did!
The company at a glance will tell you that they really care about people and our planet. They invest in green technologies and do not test on animals! In their own words, here is their reason for being:
To serve our customers' health needs with imaginative science from plants and minerals;
To inspire all those we serve with a mission of responsibility and goodness;
To empower others by sharing our knowledge, time, talents, and profits; and
To help create a better world by exchanging our faith, experience, and hope.
We have used the Children's Toothpaste here at our house! Our daughter loved the taste and I loved the fact that it is proven effective in preventing cavities! I also liked the taste! How could I not try it first? Will I buy this product again? YES! I will also be ordering the Wicked Fresh Toothpaste for the big people in the family.
Tom's is giving away a $500 Target gift card and all you have to do is Tweet your favorite Wicked Fresh experience! Go to the That's Wicked Fresh contest page to learn more!
Posted by Jo at 11/18/2010 10:00:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Things I am Thankful for!
1. Tuesday - because it is not Monday.
2. Jimmy John's - because they are fast and yummy.
3. Chocolate - nuff said.
4. Awesome clients who are adventurous and can see my vision.
5. My upcoming shoot for Country Woman magazine!! Yup, I am gonna be published nationally!!!!!
6. The Holiday Season - because it brings us all together.
7. My family - because they are mine.
This is just a few of the things I am thankful for. Sometimes we take for granted just how blessed we really are! It is easy to get busy in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget the simple things! What are you thankful for? Please feel free to share!
Posted by Jo at 11/16/2010 01:48:00 PM 1 comments
Holiday Hair in a Flash
This is a paid post and the opinions expressed are mine 100%.
I have always been into clothes and hair for as long as I can remember! The obsession started with my first Barbie Doll and has continued today with my hair and clothes and those of my little Diva! I love to do my hair and look good everyday even if it has been weeks since I have seen my personal stylist!
I also have a passion for the tools that make my hair look great and my latest tool of choice is my hair straightener. It can not only straighten but can add a little curl and bounce to your hair. Now, I cannot tell you how to do it since I am not a stylist and can only do it on my hair but it does work with this one versatile tool! Mine is pink and I love it! I also have a tiny straighten that works on shorter cropped styles.
Wondering which product is right for you? Well, help is on the way from ghd Straighteners. Their site will give you the low down on their highly rated and sought after straighteners so you can pick the one that is just right for you! They have a variety of sizes and colors to suite everyone's taste.
These straighteners are also tops in industry when it comes to safety! Some safety features include:
A 30 minute time that will shut the iron off if it is left unattended. Special ceramic plates with an intelligent temperature control system that prevents the plates heating up too quickly. Universal voltage so you can confidently use this tool in any country in the world and look like your fabulous self no matter where you are!
Posted by Jo at 11/16/2010 10:02:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Another Letter to Monday!
Dear Monday,
All I hear from you is whaw, whaw, whaw, whaw! Yup, your mouth is moving but you sound like the adults in the Peanut's cartoons!
Just so you know, you will not get the best of me today! You tried to get your friend Tuesday to gang up on me last week but you did not succeed! Your mean girl mentality is so yesterday!
So as long as you be good, we will get along just fine!
Posted by Jo at 11/15/2010 02:12:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Freedom is NOT Free!

The Young

And the Old

The Men

And the Women

The Ones who came back

And the Ones who did not

All for a common goal

Today I salute them and say a special thanks to and a prayer for the men in my life who served!
Glenn Joseph Gordon (my father) - US Navy - WWII
Edward John Lammers (my step father) - US Army - Korea
Shane Edward Lammers (my brother) - Army National Guard - Afghanistan
Last but certainly not least, my husband, Spencer - US Army - 2 Tours - Iraq. I am blessed to be able to say that they all made it home safely from their respective tours. May my father and step father rest in peace knowing that they made this world a safer place for their kids and grandkids!
Posted by Jo at 11/11/2010 12:24:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hello Indian Summer!
The beautiful weather began yesterday and will hang around for a few days!! Yeah! Back to hanging laundry out to dry and grilling steaks, if only for a short time! It is also great weather for doing photo shoots! Remember in October how I said I was ready for a break? Yup, I'm still waiting for it to happen! I had two sessions last weekend and this coming weekend I have three sessions and a wedding!
I am so not complaining because I am so happy that people like my work and I am keeping busy! My kids will also be happy when there are gifts under the tree for them to tear into! Plus, I love my work and I love making my clients happy! So with that I will leave you one from my latest session! This is Brennyn, she goes to our church and watches the Diva when we need a sitter! She is so cute and super sweet!
Posted by Jo at 11/08/2010 02:39:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Indian Summer
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sicker Than a Dog!
Well, I was sick yesterday (dogs were healthy) and stayed in bed all day except when the Moody Teen and I went to vote! It was his first time and nothing could have stopped me from voting with him!!
I feel so much better today! I am back to my normal self! So far the kids are showing no signs of this little bug that visited the Knight and I! Yup, he got it Saturday night and I got it Monday night! It was so very nice of him to share! NOT!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Jo at 11/03/2010 12:14:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pier 1
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 Imports. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have been a fan of Pier 1 since forever because they make it easy and affordable when it comes to home decorating! Just entering the store or web site can make my heart skip a beat! With the holidays coming up, I cannot think of a better place to start decking my halls!
Everyone knows that great decoration is just a part of great holiday entertaining that will have your guests asking where they can get all the beautiful baubles you have adorning your home! So where do you start? I like to start with a great centerpiece for my table and candles and holders get me going in the right direction and from there you can build any look that you like! I like to go for the elegant look of silver and gold! Can't you just here Burl Ives singing now?
Pier 1 is also a great place to do your holiday shopping! Gifts from Pier 1 will always get a great reaction from the recipient! I like these:
and these
and these!!
Now that you know what I want for the holidays, why not become a fan of Pier 1 on Facebook so they can help make a child's Christmas brighter by donating $1 to Toys for Tots? You can also take a new, unwrapped toy into Pier 1 or donate at the register while paying for your purchases! Happy shopping!
Posted by Jo at 11/02/2010 09:00:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
It was a super busy Halloween weekend for us that started on Thursday with the Diva's Preschool party and ended with trick or treating on Sunday night! A church party Friday and trick or treating at the mall on Saturday helped ensure her costume was well worth the money! That and the fact that she ended up with 4 POUNDS of candy! Yikes!
So what was she? Here is one clue! She is hiding be hind my new Off Camera Flash set up!
And then there is this one! Yes, that is a Longaberger! I got it for her the year she was born! No, she does not get to play with it! Usually, it is on a shelf with hair ties in it! It was just the perfect accessory for her costume!
Yup, she was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, or as she likes to say Wizard ON Oz! She loves the movie and watches it over and over and over! Since it is my all time favorite, I never get tired of it either!
Not wanting to cooperate and smile for the camera! I did manage to get a Popeye smile or two but that is about it!
I have more pictures that I wanted to share with you but unfortunately, I ran out of space and had to purchase more and it can take up to 24 hours to be available for use! BOOOOOO! Tricks on me this time!
Posted by Jo at 11/01/2010 04:12:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Trick or treat, Wizard of Oz