Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy Runniversary to Me!

Three years ago, today, I laced up my shoes and set out to complete Couch to 5k and lose some weight!  I had already changed my eating habits the prior month and now it was time to get serious about my fitness, or lack there of!  That first day about killed me!  I was way out of shape!  Run, walk, run, walk, run, walk..,,you get the picture!  The next day I hurt but I laced up and did it again!  I did the walk/run until July 13 when our new shelter dog took me out at the knee!  ACL reconstruction soon followed as did recovery and my return to running!

Fast forward 3 years to today!  I have lost 60 pounds, completed numerous 5 Ks, ran from Mattoon to Peoria (140 miles) in a relay type run to benefit St. Jude and completed my first 1/2 Marathon!  I am also a coach for Girls on the Run, teach Bootcamp three times a week and will begin teaching swimming lessons and a Homeschool PE program in the fall!  Has running changed me?  Heck yeah!  It has made me stronger physically and mentally!  It has made me grateful for all the wonderful people it has brought into my life and it has made me inspired to inspire others in any way possible!  Am I fast?  Nope, but I am determined to better myself each time I pound the pavement!  For better or worse, I AM A RUNNER!  Wow!  Someone call Coach Stiff!  She will never believe it!
     Before running    @     after running!



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