You've all heard of the 5th season right? It's called construction! To be more specific, road construction! Which basically translates into a delay when you want to travel anywhere! It is annoying and it gives me road rage! There I said it! I get road rage when I am in a hurry and I get delayed by 30 miles of road construction that drops the speed to a slow crawl and makes everyone in the car cranky!
I can handle it on the interstate but when it is in town, fagettaboutit! So the powers that be have decided that NOW is the perfect time to tear up some city streets and lay new asphalt! Right now they are working around all the entrances to the pool (the busiest place in town due to 105 degree heat index)! As if that wasn't bad enough, they are now working on a side street by my house which means I have to go several blocks out of my way just to get to my house! Did I mention the road rage? Just sayin'!
And add to that, you have to keep your windows closed due to the dust and noise and run your air non-stop! Ugh!!! I'm with you, pally!
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