Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Sledding We Will Go & Various Other Stuff!

The Moody Teen and I took the Diva sledding for the very first time and we all had a blast! I feel before I show you the fun photos, I should make a confession! We live in a flat part of Illinois with no real hills for sledding so we must make due with what we have and for us that is..............a railroad overpass! There I said it! We must deal with trains and traffic all while having a carefree ride down the man made hill! Here is what we see when we are sledding! Nope, it is not pretty but it is all we have!

The Diva was having lots of fun in the snow! This is the first time she really got what playing in the snow was all about!

This handsome guy is an awesome big brother to be sure! He loves his lil sis so much! That he was showing off for her! And then..........

Get out the tissues because this is one of those commercial moments that always makes me cry like a big baby! He invited his lil sis up the hill for her first sled ride! Sniff, sniff!

And then there was the Moody Teen's buddy who managed to make is snow on himself, just for fun! I promise, if you look really hard you will see him in the self made blizzard!

We know interrupt our fun snow fest for these random thoughts! Sorry but I just had to share these moments too! This morning the Diva wanted to be extra Divaish and what better way than to wear her princess dress shoes with her pajamas! She wore this combination until we got dressed to go sledding! Ha! Ha!

And then there is my first daughter! Yes, I have another daughter only this one has four legs, a tail and looks like a cow and I love her very much! She was the first diva of the house!! She was pleading for us to take her with us on our sledding adventure! How can you resist those eyes!

We are expecting more snow tomorrow so we are definitely going again soon! Maybe this time I will get into it more! I did go down once and managed to hit the big bump that the kids told me not to hit which sent me off the sled a foot in the air and back down pretty hard on my booty! I may be a little on the sore side tomorrow!! Ha!



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